Palm oil; no thanks!

We love our facial oils, we love our coconut oil, but when it comes to palm oil, we say “no thanks”! While the use of palm oil has been the topic of great environmental concern, we’re still coming across Australian consumers who are not aware of what it is, where it’s used, and the catastrophic consequences it has when harvested en masse for use in cosmetics and detergents. So, here’s a rundown of everything you need to know, so you can make more sustainable choices, starting today!
Derived from the oil palm tree’s fruit, it is edible and non-toxic. It is however heavily used in products like lipsticks, shampoos, washing powder, dishwashing liquid, petrol, bread, ice cream, and even pet food. In other words lots of palm oil is needed to support the production of these consumables, and here is where the problem lies.
Palm oil is cultivated in unsustainable ways, putting entire communities, orangutan species, and other wildlife at risk. The orangutan population has decreased by at least half due to the harvesting and destruction of entire plantations. In Borneo, approximately 5000 orangutans are killed every year due to human activities that include mass deforestation.
With entire forests being destroyed, we are seeing a domino effect of loss.
Without the presence of trees, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, which in turn accelerates global warming. Since there are no trees there are no active root systems on the soil, which means the rain washes away nutrients, which in turn affects farmers who result to chemical fertilisers to enhance the soil.
Saying no to products containing palm oil can be easier said than done. They really are prolific. In cases where there is an easy choice, just say no. Look for an alternative. We have invested greatly in making sure that our products are that alternative. al.ive body products do not contain palm oil. We are very proud that we have been able to achieve this and create a beautiful ‘palm oil free’ product range for our consumers.
Awareness is key. Have a conversation with friends and family and don’t be surprised if they’ve never heard about palm oil and its consequences. This is the starting point for making small changes and for learning, just like we did, how to make more sustainable choices. Then pat yourself on the back for making incremental or radical changes on the products you consume daily!