al.ive body x Cungelella Art

With such a significant partnership between two sets of talented sisters, body sat down for a Q & A with Glenda, Juanita, Dale and Cheryl of Cungelella Art to learn more about their history and what continues to inspire them.
Can you tell us a little about Cungelella Art?
We are a collective of 4 sisters from North West Queensland living on our traditional homelands Kalkadoon Country. We paint Kalkatungu Country.

Can you tell us a little about your exposure to art from a young age?
We were very lucky to have grown up surrounded by our culture and art whether that be painting or creating artefacts, as our Aunties and uncles and also both our parents painted and created art. Dad would make the artefacts and mum would paint them. Our dad also taught at schools about culture growing up and today still runs a healing on country program for our youth. We have always had that culture influence in our life min our family from our nanas brother Charles kumanjayi Perkins the freedom writer.
We paint our traditional homelands, we focusheavily on the landscape including our spectacular rock faces which come in all colours, which makes it one of the most unique mineral belts in the world. We also include our native plants particularly the spinifex grass. We include alot of animal tracks that are native to our country
Through the colours of our landscape, which are beautiful shades of red, red oxide burnt orange and all those dreamy peachy colours of our sunsets. We have a mountainous country that all reflect their own colours when the sun rises and falls.

First of all we love that al.ive body is a sister duo. We also loved the twins passion for the environment, as well as raising awareness and giving back to the planet which aligns with our culture of caring for the land
That our work is not exploited for the wrong purposes
This artwork represents the land in which we reside on Kalkadoon Country. We have depicted the spinifex grass that grows in abundance, kangaroo tracks, waterholes that we visit during wet season and a meeting place to represent our people gathered on our country.

Watching our ideas from around the kitchen table at 2 in the morning actually come to life.