Choosing Sustainability: The Importance of Going Palm Oil-Free

Choosing Sustainability: The Importance of Going Palm Oil-Free - al.ive body

In recent years, the environmental and ethical concerns surrounding the production and consumption of palm oil have gained widespread attention. Despite this,  we've noticed that many Australian consumers remain unaware of its origins, applications, and the devastating repercussions associated with its widespread harvesting for cosmetics and detergents. Adopting a palm oil-free stance has become ingrained into our brand’s DNA, and it’s a crucial choice for individuals and communities looking to make a positive impact. Here are five reasons why being palm oil-free is important:

Deforestation and Habitat Loss

  • One of the most significant environmental issues associated with palm oil production is deforestation. Large areas of tropical rainforests, particularly in Southeast Asia, are cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, which not only negatively impacts the enrichment of biodiversity, leading to the loss of numerous plant and animal species, including orangutans, tigers, and rhinoceros, which are already endangered. 

Climate Change Impact

  • The destruction of forests to source palm oil contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere, which has the potential to be catastrophic for global warming. Forests play a crucial role in capturing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas. When these forests are cleared and burned, massive amounts of stored carbon are released into the atmosphere, intensifying the greenhouse effect and global warming. 

Poor treatment of people

  • Palm oil production is often associated with human rights violations, including poor working conditions and the displacement of indigenous communities. By opting for palm oil-free alternatives, consumers can contribute to a more ethical supply chain, promoting fair labor practices and respecting the rights of local communities.

Wildlife Endangerment

  • Palm oil plantations often destroy habitats, endangering wildlife by isolating populations and increasing the risk of extinction. By taking away their natural resources and homes, it makes it near impossible for these animals to find food, mates, and maintain genetic diversity. As a result, many species face heightened risks of extinction.

Choosing to eliminate palm oil our range has been not only timely and a costly endeavor, but to us, it is 100% worth it. The personal decision you make by refusing the use of palm oil in the products in your everyday life can play a role in preserving biodiversity, safeguarding human rights, and mitigating climate change. Through making thoughtful and informed 

choices about the products we use, we can collaboratively steer towards a more sustainable and ethical future.